新鮮 柠檬草 100g £1.99 Lemongrass is a tropical variety of grass with a sweet, lemony scent. It is particularly associated with Thai and South East Asian cooking. Most of the flavour is in the thicker bulb end, which can be added whole to dishes, or peeled, then crushed or chopped. 添加
新鮮 泰国小茄子粒 100g £2.39 Small aubergine is used in different Asian cuisines. In Chinese cuisine the eggplant is stewed, stuffed, braised and steamed. In Thailand the eggplant is known as Makhua Pro and can be found in the famous dish Thai Green Curry. 添加
新鮮 芽菜 400g £1.19 The young, tender sprouts of germinated beans, beansprouts are nutritious, white and crunchy. 添加
新鮮 佛手瓜 一个 £3.96 Also known as a christophine, mirlitine, cho cho and vegetable pear, the chayote is a pale-green, furrowed, pear-shaped fruit with pale cucumber-like flesh that surrounds a single seed. 添加